2 November 2020
When filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7, a petitioner is making an offer to the court. In exchange for the sale of their disposable assets, the petitioner is asking to court to relieve them of any remaining debts. A court-appointed trustee will sell the assets and equitably distribute the proceeds to the creditors. You might wonder how this process works. Also, you may want to know what assurances you'll have when your debts are done with.
21 September 2020
If your debt keeps rising each month and you cannot pay your bills because you have too much debt, you might want to visit a bankruptcy lawyer. Bankruptcy attorneys help people who need financial relief, and they might be able to help you. Before you visit a lawyer, it might help to understand some basic facts about bankruptcy. Here are six that you should learn. 1. You Have to Pay for It
19 August 2020
Filing for bankruptcy can adversely affect your credit score, and these effects can linger for years. If you are worried that you will never qualify for a loan again after you file, you might want to talk to your lawyer about it. Your lawyer can provide great tips and strategies to help you find ways to improve your credit after filing. Here are several tips you can use for this purpose.
23 July 2020
Someone who has received an injury settlement offer may wonder whether they have to take it. In the majority of cases, the answer is that they don't. However, it's a good idea to learn a bit about when acceptance may be required and how to push back. No-Fault Insurance This is almost exclusively the domain of car insurance. Many states, though, require drivers to carry no-fault coverage. This means the drivers must accept what their insurance company offers, and then the two insurance carriers will sort the costs out between them after everything is settled with the injured parties.
7 July 2020
Filing for bankruptcy is not something you should rush into, as it has consequences. To determine if you should file, you should first talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. Next, you might want to ask yourself the following five questions. 1. Are You Eligible? The first question to ask your lawyer is if you are eligible to file. This branch of bankruptcy is not open to everyone who needs help with their debts.
2 June 2020
It is not always easy to seek help when you need it, but seeking help is the only option in some cases. If you are currently experiencing financial problems and are ready to get help, you should consider bankruptcy. If you are not sure if this is a good option, see how many of the following signs you can relate too, as these are red flags that tell you that you need help.
25 February 2020
If you recently evaluated several types of debt-relief services and are learning towards bankruptcy, you will need to start preparing to meet with a bankruptcy lawyer to find out more about it. You should prepare for this meeting by gathering up essential documents you will need for your evaluation and filing. Here are the most common documents that bankruptcy lawyers ask clients to bring to consultation visits. Proof of Income from Every Source
11 February 2020
If you are struggling financially and your debts are really adding up, you may want to consider filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Before you contact an attorney to start the process, go through this checklist to see if Chapter 7 bankruptcy makes sense for you right now. Sign #1: Creditors Are After You When you don't pay your bills or your loans and become more than three months behind, your bills will more than likely get sent to a collection agency.
7 February 2020
Bankruptcy might not be something you ever thought you would need to file, but there might come a time when you do. If you are struggling financially, bankruptcy could be a solution to your problems. If you are not sure if you should consider it, here are five signs that can help you know if bankruptcy is something you should consider filing at this time. You Have Bill Collectors Calling
3 February 2020
Hiring a bankruptcy attorney to represent your interests is a big step to take. You'll likely want to go into the meeting as well prepared as possible. Here are four tips to make sure you'll be ready when you sit down with a bankruptcy lawyer. Assembling Documents At its core, the bankruptcy process is usually dominated by providing supporting documentation for your case. Collect the basic documents that will give the court some idea of what your financial situation has been over the last couple of years.